Sunday, July 6, 2008

13 miler felt like forever!!

Once again the weather here in New Jersey is as humid as it gets! Thankfully, the sun stayed in but it was 97% humidity. Did not make it easy to breathe. I went through several bottles of water and it still didn't feel like it was enough for me. Everytime I would check my garmin to see how many miles we were it, it was so low! When I looked the first time me and mom said we had to be up to about 3 miles, and it was only 1.50!!!!!!! We knew it had to get done, so we finished, but complained the entire time. My legs were tight and did not want to move. I was ready to quit at 12.50, but mom made me finish. I was beyond excited to look at my watch and see 13 miles. This run was harder than any of the 20 milers!! Ugh. I'm glad she made me finish, but at the time I was NOT happy with her! I made her run on the other side of the road hah. All these long runs during the week are really taking a toll on my legs and we're only 3 weeks in!! O well it'll hopefully get better and will all pay off when the marathon gets here! This is another brutal week of training. Here's the schedule for the week:

Monday- 4 miles
Tuesday- off
Wednesday- 15 miles
Thursday- 10 miles
Friday- off
Saturday- Belmar 5 race (hoping for a PR but this training is slowing me down)
Sunday- 3 miles (first day on the cruise)

Next week, my mileage won't be as high because there is no way I am doing a long run on the ship!

So tonight I'm hanging home. We leave for vacation soon so I'm trying to get some outfits together. I can't wait to just be on the ship sailing through the caribbean. It'll be a great 8 days!


Anonymous said...

I give you credit girl...I couldn't do Pfitz. My body just wouldn't hack it! My run today was horrific too and I didn't make my distance. So we're all in good company.

Enjoy the cruise!

...and NO you DO NOT owe me! :)

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged! I was tagged in a meme by some other bloggers and didn't actually know 6 other people to tag, so I picked some random people from the Runner's World beginner forums because I figured that'd be a great way to get to know some other runners. The rules are on my blog:


I won't expect your response for a while since you'll be on vacation.