Thursday, November 11, 2010

Please Say a Prayer

Today, we unfortunately got some bad news. A very close friend of our family is not doing well. Yesterday, the wife fell down the flight of steps, and was unconcious laying in a pool of blood. He rushed her to the hospital as soon as he saw her. At the emergency room, they did imediate surgery to remove a blood clot on one side of the brain. She's hooked up to all tubes and heavily sedated today. They keep asking her to move her fingers and toes, but she can only move one side. They are running all kinds of tests to see if there is another clot on the other side of the brain. Right now, there is no news. Her poor family is a wreck, and we are so worried. They can't give any answers yet because they just don't know what's going on. She is in the intensive care unit and under very close watch. Please keep them in your daily prayers. They are a very nice loving family, and my parents have been friends with them for years. We really want her to pull through and come out of this better than ever. It's the holiday season, and we know that she'll pull through! Thank you everyone

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