Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Best Run in Months

So today I went out for a run with mom, and I did 4.48 miles in 47:47. It's not that fast, but for me it was great. I've only been running once a week if I'm lucky because I don't have the time. But now, I am going to have a lot more time and I plan on devoting it to running. I want to get back to the speed I was at in 2007-2008. I even did a little speed work for the last .5 miles just to see if I was able to do it, and I was!! So I'm back on track now yay!


jp said...

hi, good for you.

I did my first 5k recently and since I have not been motivated to keep running, now I can barely do 2 miles :( how do you stay motivated? it is hard. I am so lazy I guess

Sam S. said...

Keep up the hard work. Remember, what might not be "fast" to you seems like a dream pace to someone else. (Think people like me who can't run, or can only run a few minutes at a time). I'm sure you're thankful to be running with your mom again!

Nicole said...

thanks sam!

jen- you have to get into a routine... it's not easy to always get out and run... i was in a slump for a while, and I'm just getting back into it... unfortunately you lose your fitness a lot faster than you gain it... just take baby steps and go out and run/walk what you can... you'll eventually build back up... don't set specific days to run b/c then you're more liely to skip when it feels like work... email me it's easier to talk on there... gotta keep you motivated!